Alexander Beaumont York St John University, UK
Sheila Hones The University of Tokyo, Japan & Swansea University, UK
Book reviews
Brigid Magner RMIT University, Australia
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Alexander Beaumont York St John University, UK
Sheila Hones The University of Tokyo, Japan & Swansea University, UK
Book reviews
Brigid Magner RMIT University, Australia
Neal Alexander Aberystwyth University, UK
Marc Brosseau University of Ottawa, Canada
Sébastien Caquard Concordia University, Canada
David Cooper Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Dydia DeLyser California State University, Fullerton, US
Ramesh C. Dhussa Drake University, US
Philip Howell University of Cambridge, UK
Hsuan L. Hsu University of California, Davis, US
David James University of Birmingham, UK
Matthew Jarvis Aberystwyth University and University of Wales, Trinity St David, UK
James Kneale University College London, UK
Irikidzayi Manase The University of the Free State, Bloemfontein
Peta Mitchell Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Barbara Piatti Basel, Switzerland
Eleonora Rao Università di Salerno, Italy
Julie Sanders Newcastle University, UK
Johan Schimanski University of Oslo, Norway
Eve Sorum University of Massachusetts Boston, US
Charles Travis The University of Texas at Arlington, US